At a massive event in Beijing, Xiaomi unveiled its 2017 flagship, the Mi 6. The phone is the first from a Chinese manufacturer to be powered by Qualcomm's latest 10nm Snapdragon 835, offering eight CPU cores with a max clock speed of 2.45GHz. The Adreno 540 GPU is 25% faster than last year's Adreno 530, and has serious VR chops.
The frame is made out of stainless steel, with the "four-sided 3D glass" rounding out the design, which is now splash-resistant.
The Mi 6 retains a 5.15-inch Full HD display, as well as the Qualcomm Sense ID-enabled fingerprint scanner at the front of the device. Other specs include 6GB of RAM, a 3350mAh battery, 2x2 MIMO Wi-Fi, and a dual-camera setup at the back that pairs a 12MP wide-angle lens with a 12MP telephoto lens for 2x lossless zoom.
There are pros and cons on the audio front. The upside is that the Mi 6 offers stereo speakers located at the front of the device, a welcome addition. However, the phone doesn't have a 3.5mm jack, a surprising omission considering Xiaomi makes a lot of affordable audio products that rely on the headphone jack.
The Mi 6 will be available for ¥2,499 ($360) for the model with 64GB storage, and a variant with 128GB storage will retail for ¥2,899 ($420). Like last year, Xiaomi is rolling out a ceramic edition of the Mi 6 with 128GB storage that will be on sale for ¥2,999 ($435).
Overall, the Mi 6 looks very, and the high-gloss finish will definitely make the phone stand out. The lack of a headphone jack will deter potential customers however, and given the lack of decent USB-C audio products, It copying apple, thats why its called as apple of china.
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